OK so the main Center keel is a bit of Maranti 100mm x 50mm.
I laid it along the center line and marked where it would start to bend, then i sort of rolled it along the bend to get the length that it would be from the rear (aft) to the bow, I then added 100mm just in case and cut it to length.
I then from the point of the bend cut off about 25mm (see photo) I then cut what was now thinner into strips about 10mm thick this allows me to bend the keel down to the bow without having to steam or any of that sort of thing.
I drilled a line of holes to take the screws (to hold the keel on ) down the center line about 75mm apart , when I got to the (stitch and glue section) I stopped, as the bent section is held another way. As you can see below easy to bend.Hehehe
Here is how I did that ..I glued the main section on to the floor and screwed it into place from below (or where the floor is when it is upright in the water) I then glued the first strip to the hull and nailed it with small nails at the Bow same with the 2nd and the next and the next. ETC.
I then got some 100mm long screws and sent them right through the keel and the hull into some small blocks of wood
I left the large screws in for about 1 week and went on with other stuff (next post) so that the glue was well and done Later I trimmed it down even further (you will see)